Accommodation Providers
Pest control with peace of mind.
When guests complain about pests, you need to respond fast.
Bug King’s carefully selected products and state-of-the-art application ensure your guests’ safety and peace of mind. All pests, all gone.
When you’re an accommodation provider, you simply cannot have pests around a moment longer. Our rapid response and effective solutions are just what you need.

Info About Pest Control For Hotels, Motels and B&Bs
Why Bug King?
We specialise in providing pest control for hotels, motels, backpackers and B&Bs
We know it is essential to address guest complaints promptly and get rooms back online as soon as possible.
We give service requests from accommodation providers high priority, usually getting out to Auckland hotels, motels, backpackers and B&Bs the same day. Simply phone Bug King on 0800 546454.
We are experts in bed-bug management and extermination.
The single greatest risk that accommodation providers face is bed-bugs.
In the New Zealand accommodation market, bed-bug management is poorly understood and very reactive. The problem with this is:
- You only know you have an issue if a guest complains
- There is no way to determine if a guest’s bite is due to bed-bugs or some other issue. In our experience, it’s rarely bed-bugs, but we do know how to get rid of bed-bugs, fast.
- Even though it is unlikely to be bed-bugs, the onus is on accommodation providers to prove otherwise
- Your guest’s experience is compromised
- Your reputation and revenue can be affected through bad online reviews
- Revenue is impacted by room refunds, liability for medical fees, lost business and unavailability of rooms
We offer fast, highly effective reactive bed-bug inspections and exterminations.
For more proactive bed-bug management, our unique Environmental Room Monitoring system gets results (see What we do for more details).
What we do
We provide a full suite of services of pest control services for hotels, motels, backpackers and B&Bs.
- All common accommodation pests, all gone. Fully compliant managed pest control for hotels / motels / backpackers.
- Specialist bed-bug inspection and extermination services
- Proactive low-cost monitoring for bed-bugs:
- Immediate confirmation whether there is a bed-bug issue if a guest complains
- A process that allows you to confidently demonstrate to the guest that the problem is not bed-bugs
- A process to quickly identify potential infestations before complaints occur
- A process to get infested rooms back online quickly. Bed-bugs will be detected very early
- In most cases effective chemical-free treatments
- Marketing material to promote that you are industry-leading in bed-bug management
- An effective way to maintain your reputation and minimise lost revenue
- Staff education on bed-bugs to ensure management and housekeeping teams can confidently provide guests with peace of mind
If you need advice on pest control as an accommodation provider, feel free to give the team a call on 0800 54 64 54.
Fully compliant with all your Health & Safety requirements
Under H & S legislation you are responsible for the H & S of your guests and the service people you have on-site. Bug King has passed independent H & S assessments by Prequal & Maintenance Manager. You can be confident that you, your staff and your guests will be protected from any H & S risks.
Guest Safety
Our treatments use synthetic pyrethroids (which are based on natural pyrethrums). The products we use have been proven to be safe in sensitive situations over several decades. All treatments are professionally applied and at a level that is safe for humans and pets. All products are readily metabolized. If anyone does come into contact with any treatments it will pass straight through them with no long-term build-up.
Find Out More About Pests
It’s always good to take someone else’s word for it! Read what our customers have said about us following a successful pest removal. We can also arrange for you to speak directly to someone who has used our services, as we appreciate that you need to be absolutely certain about how our pest control works before you ask us into your home.