Humane, effective bird deterrent

Looking for a humane way to keep nuisance birds away? Bug King’s anti-bird spray provides safe, effective, natural bird protection. 

Safeguard your customers, staff, friends and family from hygiene issues and protect your residential or commercial property from costly bird damage by simply getting birds to fly off somewhere else to nest, feed, gather, squawk, coo and poo. Our bird spray doesn’t harm birds; it’s completely non-toxic to them as well as to humans, pets and plants. 

Info on Bug King Bird Control

Why is Bug King bird spray effective?

Historically birds have been very hard to control. Most solutions are, at best, temporary fixes. We know this well as we’ve been doing bird control for years.

At Bug King, we have a new solution that is very cost-effective and will fix your bird problem humanely, safely and permanently. The active ingredient in our bird repellent is Methyl Anthranilate (MA). MA is derived from grape seeds. To people, it has a mild grape smell, a bit like bubble gum, but birds really hate it. To birds, MA acts like pepper spray and agitates their trigeminal nerve, irritating their eyes, beak, and throat. Birds learn that the area is not a good place to hang out, and they go elsewhere. Simple as that!

How do our atomisers work?

We use hasers or atomisers that break up the MA oil-based solution into small particles that are lighter than air. The spray deters birds from entering your space, creating a bird-free zone. We place these atomisers in strategic places in your shop, warehouse, open garage, or outdoor seating area. Our spray units are on timers that release the correct amount of invisible aerosolised bird repellent mist at regular intervals and birds simply stay away. The cost-effective atomisers take minimal effort to maintain while providing maximum protection from those pesky birds.

Is our bird spray safe?

It is safe for use around humans, pets, and plants and it’s fine to spray on all surfaces. Methyl Anthranilate (MA), the active ingredient in our bird repellent, is extracted from grape seeds. MA is used as a fragrance or flavouring in many types of foods, including fizzy drinks, ice cream, sweets and gelatine. MA has been studied by numerous universities and government agencies for decades and has FDA approval. Field trials indicate that methyl anthranilate (MA) is an effective, biodegradable, nontoxic bird repellent.

Why get rid of birds?

While most birds aren’t considered pests, particularly our vulnerable New Zealand native birds, they can become quite a nuisance. If you have pest birds such as pigeons, doves, sparrows, mynahs, magpies or seagulls hanging around, their droppings create an unsightly mess and expose customers, staff, family and friends to significant health risks while damaging wood, metal, plastic, and stone surfaces. Bird nests and feathers can clog chimneys, guttering and downpipes, leading to roof leaks. They can also jam AC units, window frames, rooftop vents and perching birds damage outdoor light fixtures and security cameras.

Keeping your personal or business property free of birds and their debris should be an integral part of your overall pest management plan.


Bird repellent spray is cost-effective and is a permanent deterrent.

Other bird solutions on the market, such as decoys, netting, spikes, electric strips, flash tapes, gels, sonic deterrents, water deterrents or lasers have limited effectiveness and can cost thousands of dollars to install and maintain over time. 

If you’re looking for a long-term, humane, safe, cost-effective repellent to keep birds out of areas where they shouldn’t be, our bird spray is the best solution available.

To create a bird-free zone on your property, talk to one of our bird control experts about the number of atomisers you’ll need and a quote for us to set them up today. 


It’s always good to take someone else’s word for it!  Read what our customers have said about us following a successful pest removal. We can also arrange for you to speak directly to someone who has used our services, as we appreciate that you need to be absolutely certain about how our pest control works before you ask us into your home.